пятница, 18 ноября 2016 г.


Celery is a member of the Umbelliferae family, along with carrots, parsley, and fennel. It is a biennial vegetable, meaning it has a normal growing cycle of once every two years. While most people associate celery with its stalks, its leaves, roots, and seeds are also used as food and seasoning.

Celery grows to a height of 12 to 16 inches and is composed of leaf-topped ribs arranged in a conical shape and joined at a common base (the collection of ribs forms the stalk).
The ribs have a crunchy texture and a delicate but mildly salty taste. The ribs in the center are called the heart and are the most tender. In the United States, we are used to celery being different shades of green, but Europeans also enjoy a variety that is white in color. Like white asparagus, this type of celery is grown shaded from direct sunlight, so its production of chlorophyll, green color, are inhibited.


Modern celery originated from wild celery, native to the Mediterranean, where its seeds were once widely used as a medicine, particularly as a diuretic. The initial mention of the medicinal properties of celery leaves dates back to the ninth century B.C.E., when celery made an appearance in the Odyssey, the famous epic by the Greek poet Homer. The Ancient Greeks used the leaves as laurels to decorate their renowned athletes, while the ancient Romans used celery as a seasoning, a tradition that has been carried on through the centuries.

The use of celery as a food was expanded beyond medicine and as a seasoning in Europe during the 1700s. Celery was introduced in the United States early in the nineteenth century and is now produced throughout the world.


Celery is an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber. It is a very good source of potassium, folic acid, and vitamins B6 and B1. Celery is a good source of calcium and vitamin B2. While it is true that celery contains more sodium than most other vegetables, the sodium is offset by very high levels of potassium. Furthermore, the amount of sodium is not significant even for the most salt-sensitive individuals. One celery stalk contains approximately 32 milligrams of sodium and 104 milligrams of potassium and only 20 calories as carbohydrate.


Celery contains phytochemical compounds known as coumarins, which are being shown to be useful in cancer prevention and capable of enhancing the activity of certain white blood cells. Coumarin compounds also tone the vascular system, lower blood pressure, and may be useful in cases of migraines.

Two researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center have performed studies on a coumarin compound found in celery, 3-n-butyl phthalide (3nB), and found that it can indeed lower blood pressure. In animal studies, a very small amount of 3nB consumed daily lowered blood pressure by 12 to 14 percent and also lowered the cholesterol level by about 7 percent. The equivalent dose for humans can be supplied by four ribs of celery. The research was prompted by one of the researcher’s fathers, who after eating a quarter-pound of celery every day for a week, observed that his blood pressure dropped from 158 over 96 to a normal reading of 118 over 82.

Celery is also rich in potassium and sodium. In fact, celery-based juices consumed after a workout serve as great electrolyte replacement drinks. And celery may also help lower cholesterol and prevent cancer by improving detoxification.

A celery extract standardized to contain 85% 3nB has also been shown to produce significant benefits in the treatment of “rheumatism”—the general term used for arthritic and muscular aches and pain. In two clinical studies the efficacy of celery seed extract was evaluated by well-established clinical protocols used to measure the effectiveness of conventional drugs used in arthritis and muscular pain. Study participants included patients suffering from osteoarthritis or gout.

In the first study, the subjects had joint pain present for approximately 10 years in a remittent or continual form leading to a lack of joint mobility and pain that prevented the carrying out of household duties, hobbies, and activities involved in these subjects’ jobs. The subjects were given only 34 milligrams of the celery extract twice daily. Nonetheless, the results of the study were extremely positive and quite

statistically significant. The chance that such a positive effect in reducing pain in these subjects was a placebo effect was less than 1 in 1,000. Subjects experienced significant pain relief after three weeks of use, with an average reduction in pain scores of 68 percent, and some subjects experiencing 100 percent relief from pain. Most subjects achieved maximum benefit after six weeks of use, although some did notice more improvement the longer the extract was used.

In a second study, a similar group of patients received 75 milligrams of the celery extract twice daily for three weeks. At this higher dosage, the subjects reported even better results than in the first study. Statistically and clinically significant reductions were noted in pain scores, mobility, and quality of life. As in the first study, no side effects were noted other than a diuretic effect.

When the data on the subset of patients with gout were analyzed, it was clear that they responded extremely well. Subsequent evaluation to explain the benefits noted in these patients indicates that 3nB lowers the production of uric acid by inhibiting the enzyme xanthine oxidase. Eventually celery seed extract lowers blood uric acid levels; however, quite interestingly, the initial blood uric acid measurements may increase in people with gout as uric acid crystals begin to dissolve—a very good sign.


Celery should be light green, fresh-looking, and crisp—the ribs should be hard and firm. Limp, pliable celery should be avoided. Avoid celery that looks damaged or has any signs of discoloration. Also, make sure that the celery does not have a seed stem —a round stem in place of the smaller, tender stalks that should reside in the center of the celery. Celery with seed stems is often more bitter in flavor.

Celery root is light brown on top and becomes darker toward the bottom where the rootlets extend. Celery root should be firm when fresh.

To store celery stalks or roots, place them in a sealed container or wrap in a perforated plastic bag or damp cloth and store them in the refrigerator. If you are storing cut or peeled celery, ensure that it is dry and free from water residue, as this can drain some of its nutrients. Freezing will make celery wilt and should be avoided unless you will be using it in a future cooked recipe.


Prior to washing celery, cut off the base and leaves, then wash the leaves and stalks under cold running water. If the celery is not organically grown, soak in cold water with a mild solution of additive-free soap or use a produce wash and rinse thoroughly.

Cut the stalks into pieces of desired length. Remove any fibrous strings by making a thin cut into one end of the stalk and peeling away the fibers. Try to utilize the leaves as well as the ribs, as the leaves contain the most vitamin C, calcium, and potassium.

Due to its high water content and tendency to wilt quickly, celery should not be kept at room temperature for too long. If you have celery that has wilted, sprinkle it with a little water and place it for several hours in the refrigerator, where it will regain its crispness.

Celery root should be peeled before preparing, particularly the bottom, as the skin around the rootlets is hairy and thick, creating an unpleasant texture in finished dishes.


Raw celery can be eaten whole, juiced, or used in salads.

Of course, putting peanut butter on celery ribs is a childhood tradition.

Add chopped celery to your favorite tuna or chicken salad recipe.

Celery, although it can be served on its own after lightly steaming, is an excellent addition to soups, stews, and vegetable stir-fries.

Braise chopped celery, radicchio, and onions, and serve topped with walnuts and your favorite soft cheese.

Celery root can be chopped into ½-inch cubes along with other root vegetables, given a light coat of oil, and roasted at 350 degrees F. for 30 to 40 minutes.


Since celery is among the foods on which pesticide residues have been most frequently found, we recommend choosing celery that has been organically grown.

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