пятница, 18 ноября 2016 г.


The beet (Beta vulgaris) belongs to the same family as chard and spinach (Chenopodiaceae). However, unlike these greens, both the root and the leaves of beets are eaten. Beet leaves have a lively, bitter taste similar to that of chard. Attached to the beet’s green leaves is a round or oblong root. Although typically a reddish purple hue, beets also come in varieties that feature white or golden roots. Because of their high sugar content, beets are delicious when eaten raw but are more typically cooked or pickled. Beets are the main ingredient in borscht, a traditional eastern European soup.


The wild beet originated in North Africa and grew along Asian and European  seashores. Like many modern vegetables, beets were first cultivated by the ancient Romans. The tribes that invaded Rome were responsible for spreading beets throughout northern Europe.

The commercial value of beets grew in the nineteenth century, when it was discovered that they could be converted into sugar. When access to sugarcane was restricted by the British, Napoleon decreed that the beet be used as the primary source of sugar. Today the leading commercial producers of beets include the United States, the Russian Federation, France, Poland, and Germany.


Beet greens are higher in nutritional value than beetroots, as they are richer in calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C. Beetroots are an excellent source of folic acid and a very good source of fiber, manganese, and potassium. Beet greens and roots are a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B6.

A 3½ (100 gram) serving of beet greens contains 27 calories and 3.0 grams of fiber, while the same serving of cooked beetroot provides 44 calories with 10.0 grams of carbohydrate, primarily as 8 grams of sugars.


Beetroots have long been used for medicinal purposes, primarily for disorders of the liver, given their stimulating effects on the liver’s detoxification processes. Beets have also gained recognition for their reported anticancer properties. The pigment that gives beets their rich, purple-crimson color, betacyanin, is a powerful cancer-fighting agent. Beet fiber has been shown to have a favorable effect on bowel function and cholesterol levels, too.

The combination of its betacyanin and fiber content is probably responsible for the protective role of beets against colon cancer. In animal studies, beet fiber has been shown to increase the level of the antioxidant en-zymes, specifically glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase, as well as increase the number of special white blood cells responsible for detecting and eliminating abnormal cells. In a study of patients with stomach cancer, beet juice was found to be a potent inhibitor of the formation of nitrosamines (cancer-causing compounds derived primarily from the ingestion of nitrates from smoked or cured meats) as well as the cell mutations caused by these compounds.


Good-quality beets should have their greens intact. The greens should be fresh-looking, with no signs of spoilage. Slightly flabby greens can be restored to freshness if stored in the refrigerator in water; if it is too late, you can simply cut off the greens. The beetroot should be firm, smooth, and a vibrant red-purple, not soft, wrinkled, and dull-colored. Fresh beets with the greens attached can be stored for three to five days in the refrigerator, but beets with the greens removed can be stored in the refrigerator for two to four weeks.

If you will be storing beets for longer than a couple of days, cut the majority of the greens and their stems from the roots, so they do not pull moisture away from the root. Leave about two inches of the stem attached to prevent the roots from “bleeding.” Store the unwashed greens in a separate perforated plastic bag, where they will keep fresh for about four days.

Raw beets do not freeze well since they tend to become soft upon thawing. Freezing cooked beets is fine; they’ll retain their flavor and texture.


Wash beets gently under cool running water, taking care not to tear the skin—this tough outer layer helps keep most of the beets’ pigments inside the vegetable. If the beets are not organically grown, soak them in cold water with a mild solution of additive-free soap or use a produce wash and rinse.

Beets are typically prepared by steaming. Be sure to cook beets lightly to retain their anticancer effects. When boiling beets, leave the beets with their root ends and one inch of stem attached; and don’t peel beets until after cooking since beet juice can stain your skin. If your hands become stained during the cleaning and cooking process, rubbing some lemon juice on them will remove the stain.

The color of beets can be altered during cooking if desired. Adding an acidic ingredient, such as lemon juice or vinegar, will brighten the color, while an alkaline substance, such as baking soda, will often cause them to turn a deeper purple. Salt will blunt beets’ color, so add it only at the end of cooking, if needed.


Raw beets can be grated for use in salads and as a garnish for soups. Not  only do they add excellent nutrition, they also add flavor and color.

Beet greens can also be used in salads in place of lettuce.

Beets can be roasted with other vegetables in the oven or on the grill.

Lightly sauté beet greens with other braising greens, such as chard and mustard greens.

Swirl puréed cooked beets and applesauce together with cinnamon and nutmeg to make a colorful and delicious snack or dessert.

Beet juice is a delicious way to increase your nutrient intake. However, start with a small amount of juice, such as ½ to 1 ounce, mixed with other juices, such as carrot and apple. Larger amounts of beet juice may cause an upset stomach.


Some people eating beets may experience beeturia, a red or pink color in the urine or stool; it is a totally harmless condition.

Beet greens and, to a lesser extent, the roots contain high levels of oxalate. Individuals with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones should avoid overconsuming beets and beet greens.

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